Tips for Newborn Mummies

Have you been blessed with a baby for the first time? Are you worried about his/her up-bringing? Are you looking forward towards some information about the same? If its so I assume you are reading the right blog because I am going to share some important tips regarding that.
When we are blessed with a baby or even before that stage, we get lot of inputs from our family members, friends and all those who are near to us or care for us about what we should do or we shouldn’t. Well, we should definitely respect their views, thoughts or concerns but importantly once we are blessed with a baby our one go to person would be the pediatrician for anything you feel is not good or is not right.
I am going to list down few points below which I assume would help you at a stage of your life.
  • Feed Frequently:  A newborn needs to be feed frequently. If you are breastfeeding your baby, you can increase the feed up to 10 - 12 times a day or even more. If in case the baby’s intake is not her mother’s milk then based on the advice of your pediatrician you can opt for any of the powder milk like Lactogen/NanPro etc. Don’t try to control your babies feeding time as its unpredictable and they don’t follow a strict sleeping or feeding schedule. It’s a good sign if your baby intake is frequent and if the baby stool or urine is regular which means your baby is perfectly healthy. You should immediately contact your pediatrician if the baby stops or shows a reluctance of not being feed

  •  Understand Sleep Cues: This is yet another important aspect. Their sleeping timings are very uncertain, and they tend to sleep any time. Let your love sleep as per his/her convenience. Be sensitive to your baby’s sleep cues. Most babies tend to sleep soon after their feed or oil massage. Place your baby in the cradle after feeding is done. Don’t try to control the babies sleeping pattern as its natural and cannot be enforced forcefully.

  • Interact with the Baby Frequently: Try to interact with your loved one whenever he/she is awake. Call him/her by name or make some sound. Play some light or soft music and try to get their attention. Let your baby have some supervised tummy time every day as it helps him/her develop strength in their upper body and neck. Make sure you place your babies on their tummies for a short while, as they are too young to stay for longer. You can also introduce them to some colorful and sound producing toys to entertain themselves. Also introduce some rattles, toys which can be great options to entertain and interact with your baby.

  • Ensure Baby’s Safety: Try to keep your baby cradle/crib (if using) at a safe location in your room away from the window so that the rain, dust, and other elements coming in from the window won’t harm your infant. Don't keep toys or any other objects near your baby. When your baby is on the bed or crib, ensure you have one hand on her all the time since active infants can squirm and wiggle and need attention. Whenever taking your baby in a pram, use a safety harness to ensure his/her safety. Also, avoid holding your baby in one arm as they are too small to hold, and their neck needs proper support as its fragile. Use both hands to hold and carry your little one.

  • Ensure Medical Care: Your baby should be vaccinated as per the schedule mentioned in the vaccination record book as shared by your pediatrician or the concerned hospital wherein the baby was born. Prevent your baby from encountering any infected or unhealthy individual as it may cause infection to the baby. Wash your hands every time and use sanitizer before you handle your newborn or even before feeding them. Check and change his/her diapers from time to time as this may lead to diaper rash. Cleanliness ensures good hygiene of your little one. Always consult your pediatrician if you see something unusual in their behavioral pattern. This might be due to uneasiness the child is going through.
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DISCLAIMER : MummaBabe is a network created to share personal experiences with its audiences. None of the recommendations of this channel are sponsored by any company or product. We are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication. As each baby is different recommendations on this channel may not work for you, and should not be considered as an excuse to not visit your doctor or consult a medical practitioner. You can contact us by sending us an email to

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