Vaccination the word itself scares every mom and dad for a moment as the little one would be injected and it would definitely create a lot of pain but at the end of the day we know it’s very important to protect our children from those infections or diseases that are life threatening. Thanks to vaccines (Edward Jenner) who invented, so that our children get less infected to serious diseases like whooping cough, measles, mumps, Hib meningitis, pneumococcal disease, hepatitis, or polio. Learn about the recommended immunizations for your baby, and which shots to expect at your child’s next medical checkup.
Vaccines are used to boost the immune system and prevent serious, life-threatening diseases. Newborn babies or children at tender age are highly susceptible to catch infections and diseases. This is because their immune system is not yet fully developed. The immune system is to protect the body by fighting against the germs or microbes. However, some germs can overwhelm the immune system, and when this happens, the child falls sick. When children get their vaccine shots, it helps the immune system to recognize which organism is harmful and how to remove it. This way the body is prepared to fight the germs/microbes when they attack, and your child is immunized from illnesses.
Currently there are Four types of vaccines that are available: (Good to know info)
i. Live virus vaccines use the weakened (attenuated) form of the virus. Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the varicella (chickenpox) vaccine are examples.
ii. Inactivated vaccines are made from a protein or other small pieces taken from a virus or bacteria. The whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine is an example.
iii. Toxoid vaccines contain a toxin or chemical made by the bacteria or virus. They make you immune to the harmful effects of the infection, instead of to the infection itself. Examples are diphtheria and tetanus vaccines.
iv. Bio-synthetic vaccines contain man-made substances that are very similar to pieces of the virus or bacteria. The Hepatitis B vaccine is an example.
When a newborn baby is due for a discharge from hospital, pediatrician does inject BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guérin) to prevent them from TB and OPV with Hep B. Also, we need to ensure the baby is vaccinated in the coming months as per the vaccination record book which has been provided to you by the hospital before discharge. I will share with you a snippet of it in this blog.
As proud parents we need to offer the best protection to our little one and for that to happen, it is important for your child to be vaccinated at the recommended times rather than delaying or splitting vaccines. If you think you will forget then do set up reminders on your mobile or on calendars. Unborn babies are protected by their mother’s antibodies, which last for a few months after birth. Once these antibodies wear off, babies are at risk of serious infections and diseases. Babies are due for their first vaccinations before these antibodies disappear. SO, DON’T DELAY. But there can be a situation’s when we fell due to child sickness or may be something which is simply unavoidable. Regardless of the situation it’s important we don’t miss the schedule. If in case, there is a slippage it doesn’t mean you have to go back and start again from the scratch. The previous immunizations still holds good. Your doctor would resume the immunization as per the schedule.
Sometimes, the doctor may give you the option of painful or painless vaccines. As parents, we want to avoid causing any pain to our child. However, please discuss the difference between painful and painless vaccines to make an informed decision. As per studies, the painless vaccine may have a faster period of waning (i.e. the immunity decreases faster) than the painful vaccine and is little expensive as well.
There will be mild reactions post vaccination shot but that indicates it’s working meaning your child’s body is making new antibodies. Normally, these reactions go away on their own within a few days. The most common reactions could be - Tenderness or redness at the shot site, slight swelling at the shot site, fussiness, low-grade fever, sleeping trouble.
Importantly we should be equally up to the task to handle this kind of situation. Remember, your child may need extra love and care at this point of time. After vaccine shot give breastfeed or bottle milk after 20 or 30 minutes. Firstly, check your child’s body temperature to find out if there is a fever and can be taken by digital thermometer in the armpit. If the fever rises 100 °F then give your child medicated medicine prescribed by the doctor. Secondly if child’s leg or arm is swollen and red apply a clean, cool, wet washcloth or ice pack (if suggested by your doctor) over the sore area for comfort.
*** If you notice any serious symptoms that concerns you post your child’s vaccination please consult to your pediatrician and if needed take your child to a hospital without losing a single moment.
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Eenakshi Vaccination record Book |
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DISCLAIMER : MummaBabe is a network created to share personal experiences with its audiences. None of the recommendations of this channel are sponsored by any company or product. We are not medical professionals so please consult your doctor before taking any medication. As each baby is different recommendations on this channel may not work for you, and should not be considered as an excuse to not visit your doctor or consult a medical practitioner. You can contact us by sending us an email to
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