Eenakshi's Annaprashan - Traditional Rice Eating Ceremony

The word Annaprashana also known as Annaprashana vidhi, Annaprasan or Anna-prasanam or Anna Prashashan, is a Hindu ritual that marks an infant's first intake of food other than milk. The term annaprashan literally means "food feeding" or "eating of food".

The ceremony is usually arranged in consultation with a priest, who arranges an auspicious date on which to conduct the ceremony.

It is usually carried out when the child is six to eight months old — odd months for girls and even months for boys — when the teeth have begun to appear, though the child may be weaned at a later time. It is an occasion for celebration, and extended family, friends and neighbors are invited to attend.

Rice as the food used has become more common in modern times and symbolizes food in general. The ceremony is referred to in English as first feeding with rice.

Annaprashana is followed by Mamabhat, which takes place in the maternal uncle's or grandparents' house. In this second ceremony the child's maternal uncle feeds it rice. It is celebrated within that week because in Vedic Hindu culture the child cannot eat rice until Annaprashana and Mamabhat have both occurred. However, nowadays parents consult doctors and start rice accordingly.

We too celebrated our daughter’s Annaprashan on 5th August after consultation with the local priest. Since she doesn’t have a maternal uncle and it’s a small family we took her to the nearest Kalibari  (Beldih Kalibari) and there her dadu (Grandpa) feed her with the bhog which included khichdi and payesh (sweetened rice kheer).

Thereon we hosted a party on 15th September based on the availability of the family members, friends and neighbors. We had booked the banquet hall of our society to host the programme. A colourful shamiyana was setup in the interior to make it more attractive. The banquet hall was also decorated with balloons of different colors and there was small stage setup for her as well wherein there were couple of mannequins of angels had been setup on either side of the stage.

The programme was planned throughout the day with guests invited for both lunch and dinner. As mentioned earlier since my daughter doesn’t have a maternal uncle her dadu performed all the rituals on that day. My daughter Eenakshi was dressed in a nice dhoti saree bought by her mashi and she sat in her dadu’s lap. She was presented with the Annaprashan feast which included special fish dish (fish head and tail) specially made for the occasion along with other dishes. Dadu then feed her with rice mixed with fish and curry and then she was fed with a spoon of payesh.  The elders in the family then blessed her to have a healthy and happy life.

In the evening party she was dressed up in a lovely cloudy shade midi dress. The guests started arriving by 8pm in the evening and there were some lovely photo shoots carried out as well. We had given to the caterer who had some lovely dishes prepared for both afternoon and night. It included starters (veg & non-veg) and also the main course had both veg and non-veg items in the menu. To conclude the menu there was ice-cream since it was pretty hot and humid.

Being parents it’s a wonderful experience. As we have tried to convey through each of our earlier blogs it’s a blessing to be a parent and thereon every phase the kid goes through is memorable and something to cherish for entire lifetime.

We would continue to bring out more blogs with our experience of upbringing the little one which we believe would help you in one way or the other during your phase of your parental life.
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Eenakshi's Annaprashan - Traditional Rice Eating Ceremony

The word Annaprashana also known as Annaprashana vidhi, Annaprasan or Anna-prasanam or Anna Prashashan, is a Hindu ritual th...